There are several obstacles that incarcerated adults must face upon their release from prison, including the prospect of unemployment. 

Corrections-Based Autodesk Authorized Training Program

Join the Autodesk ATC® program and help reduce recidivism. Give your offenders the oppotunity to learn a trade that will them get a job in the construction industry when they are released.

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Reduce recidivism and teach offenders employable skills!

Reincarceration costs are between $870,000 and $970,000 (almost $1 million) less for those who receive correctional education.

Vocational training or career technical education programs in prison are designed to teach inmates about general employment skills or skills needed for specific jobs and industries. The overall goal of vocational training is to reduce inmates’ risk of recidivating by teaching them marketable skills they can use to find and retain employment following release from prison. Vocational and technical training programs can also reduce institutional problem behaviors by replacing inmates’ idle time with constructive work. In addition, some vocational training programs can assist in the operation of prisons by having inmates assist in institutional maintenance tasks.

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