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Who can buy this product? | ✓ Faculty/Staff | ✓ Schools |
About Education: Associates - For over 40 years, Education Associates has supplied the most comprehensive career education, job preparation and life skills programs for all learners, including those with special needs and at risk. Our dynamic curriculum provides a blended/hybrid approach to support the best of both worlds: hands-on learning and remote learning. Students can perform activities with both Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills while at home and then pick up back in the classroom, never missing a beat!
Title: Money Management/Financial
Education Associates has created two curriculum packages to help educators equip students with the knowledge and skills to navigate financial transactions and manage money with confidence. Students use dynamic, interactive PowerPoints to assess their financial knowledge and learn important money management skills. Easy to use and administer, each of the 4 titles in each package is a stand-alone, complete instructional unit with over 10 hours of instruction per topic.
Titles in each package include:
- Banking: Checking & Savings
- Banking: Credit & Loans
- Managing Your Money
- Using Money
When purchasing, select one of two different reading levels:
3rd - 4th Grade Reading Level
This package is designed for students with lower reading levels, those at risk, or those with special needs. It empowers learners with math skills that they can apply in their daily life. Each title includes these digital files:
- Instructor’s Notes – with scope & sequence
- Rubrics
- Student Competencies
- ‘First Look’ Interactive PowerPoint Pre-Post Test – with audio supports!
- Score Report Form and Key
- ‘First Look’ Interactive Tutorial PowerPoint – with audio supports!
- Functional Academic Worksheets
- Word Search
- Worksheets
- Certificate
6th - 8th Grade Reading Level
This package empowers learners with math skills that they can apply in their daily life. Each title includes these digital files:
- Instructor’s Notes – with scope & sequence
- Rubrics
- Student Competencies
- Interactive PowerPoint Pre-Post Test
- Interactive Tutorial PowerPoint
- Student Activity Worksheet
- Assessment Checklist
- Certificate