Know what students are doing on their devices, and keep them on-task.
With devices in the classroom, you can’t always see what students are doing behind their screens. GoGuardian Teacher allows you to know what students are doing on their devices and whether they are off-task or need help.
Features include:
Identify and Correct Off-Task Behavior
Online distractions are a frustrating part of incorporating technology in the classroom. By using automatic alerts and powerful commands, you can quickly and easily get students back on-task.
Limit Browsing and View Browsing History
As soon as devices are open, you may find yourself spending more time monitoring students and policing the classroom than actually teaching the subject. With historical reporting and the ability to choose which websites to allow or block, you can feel confident leaving your computer, walking the class, and interacting with students face-to-face.
Communicate with Easy to Use Digital Tools
With a classroom full of students working behind screens, you may find it challenging to make the strong human connections necessary for creating breakthrough teaching moments. With Chat, you can send messages to struggling students to offer guidance or answer questions.
Get Students on the Same Page, Literally!
Time in class is limited, and getting your students on the same website can take up valuable instructional time. Start your class session with a set of pre-populated tabs to get your whole class on the same page quickly and provide immediate access to the resources they’ll need for the lesson.
Simplify Setup and Maintenance Via Integrations
You spend so much time on tedious administrative tasks, like maintaining classroom rosters. By automating these time-consuming tasks, you can better optimize your time and focus on what you love.
Multi-OS Support
Keep students on-task on Chromebooks and Windows devices.
Off-Task Alerts
Receive an automatic alert when a student goes off-task.
Access class session summaries or student reports with trends and a detailed browsing history.
Restrict Browsing
Define the websites you want to allow or block during class.
Screen View
See student screens in real time, including all tabs they have open.
Timeline View
View every student’s current open tab and previous browsing history on a single page.
Lock Screens
Disable browsing on one or more devices with an optional announcement message.
Close Tabs
Effortlessly close student tabs containing off-task content.
Screenshot student screens to document off-task behavior.